Navigating data to improve care and reduce cost to the NHS

In healthcare, the ultimate goal is to improve patient care and data can help us do that, if we know how to use it effectively.

By on January 9, 2022

In healthcare, the ultimate goal is to improve patient care. Under the current economic and social climate and the mounting financial pressures on the NHS, delivering recurrent savings and efficiencies will become ever more important. Data can help, if we know how to use it effectively.

Putting the patient first

The patient should always be at the centre of healthcare decision making.

It is our role as healthcare providers and healthcare professionals to support patients in staying well and preventing health deterioration, avoiding negative impact on patient health and reducing cost to the NHS.

Understanding the needs of patients is a good starting point and data gives us the insight.

Getting in deep

At Spirit, our data analytics team are a valuable additional resource that commissioners and GPs can tap into to build effective efficiency programmes. They are experts at sifting through available data and “diving deep” to find opportunities and solutions.

The process includes:

  • Reviewing national and local priority targets
  • Identifying gaps and inequalities
  • Supporting patient stratification in line with local needs
  • Data mining the appropriate data
  • Identifying savings opportunities
  • Developing efficiency programmes

We’re currently offering Medicines Optimisation teams across the UK a free, no obligation, prescribing savings audit, to help you identify where you could be making savings within your prescribing.

The audit will take up to two weeks to carry out. We would need an initial conversation with you to get us started off on the right foot but can get on with it after that point. The audit will then be supplied in a report format complete with insights and recommendations.

Implementing programmes

But change doesn’t just happen on its own. Our evidence proves that when a change programme is actively supported, the results generated can be 700% greater.¹ Medicines management teams, Primary Care Networks and GP surgeries are facing mounting resource pressures, and data analytics and implementation can be costly and time consuming.

What if someone else could do the hard work for you? The Spirit Active Implementation team works in partnership with the NHS to deliver change programmes. If you use our Prescribing Savings Audit, we can always put the findings into action for you with our Active Implementation programmes.

What if someone else could do the hard work for you? The Spirit Active Implementation team works in partnership with the NHS to deliver change programmes.

Active implementation includes:

  • Stakeholder engagement and training
  • Patient audits
  • Patient engagement and education
  • Updating prescribing
  • Outcomes reporting and analysis

This can all be done using virtual access and implementation for a secure, COVID compliant solution; in-practice, if preferred; or a combination of both. Implementation is carried out by a team of clinically trained nurses and pharmacists who are also trained to remotely access GP systems to carry out the work whilst maintaining strict data protection protocols.

Actively supporting capacity in Meds Optimisation teams:

  1. Speeds up switches in primary care – we do it all for you in just a few months
  2. Supports formulary prescribing compliance and reduces variability
  3. Increases patient medication user compliance due to medication review
  4. Builds a partnership to initiate ongoing reviews to ensure optimal Primary Care savings

We pride ourselves in delivering solutions that are tailored to saving you time, resource, and money without compromising quality.

Getting started

So, if data is getting you down or you just simply want to see what your savings could look like, email us at to request an audit and we will be in touch to get the ball rolling. Together we can make a difference to your patients.

Ref 1:

Approval number: HEA4075JAN22

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